in Romania from
the 8th to the 10th
of november, 2022
Séminaire R3 de médiatisation et de programmation : précisions sur les productions intellectuelles attendues en fin de projet (pour C3) et organisation d'un événement démultiplicateur en marge du meeting, célébrant eVe+ et les coopérations transnationales ERASMUS+ ainsi que la remise du prix EITA2022 à un partenariat précédent (dans lequel les écoles secondaires française et roumaine du projet eVe+ étaient toutes deux parties prenantes).
The meeting was made in Cluj-Napoca
by the Colegiul Economic "Iulian Pop" wich is an
important partner in the cooperative action eVe+
and has held since 2015 four Erasmus+ projects, each
time with the Lycée Ravel (France) as the international
coordinator school. This transnational seminar was
the last mobilities the project holders were obliged
to postpone due to the Pandemic and it served also
to honour the european high schools involved in
the former project E+A (Noah) rewarded by the
european prize of the best innovative action
EITA2022 given by the Commission. At this
time scientific topics are supposed to be taken
in charge by all the schools and are bezcoming
the main topic of the eVe+ agenda even if the
last intellectual output is an artistic production.
[click on the title to read more]
click above to see R3 issues and results in NBE+
(for project holders and participants)