eVe+ energyplus QUINTESSENCE erasmus+
Le cinquième élément : connaître les Forces de la Nature et produire une énergie durable (2020-2023)
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Portfolios et travaux réalisés à distance en coopération, voire durant les échanges (sous-rubrique TCA)
SUBCATEGORIES - All the portfolios made by the students (and the comments) are published here, mainly in the SLIDES part. Other online workshops' products and some common outputs made in Study Travels'workshops are in the TCA part. See below all the choices (among subtittles or sous-catégories).
Premier Portfolio collectif produit en France, à titre d'exemple
First local output made in St Jean de Luz : students produced some graphics about the water cycle (then ombrothermic charts as a second output) and some drawings freely inspirated by the topics
Second Portfolio collectif produit en France dans le cadre de la semaine ERASMUS MOB (pour servir dans l'atelier W6)
Second local output made in St Jean de Luz : students produced some drawings about animals to introduce some talks about nature preservation in a remote activity made the 18th of december
A suivre : d'autres réalisations OTHER CONTENTS - Outputs from the learning activities implemented under the short-term exchanges (study travels) are also valorized. The three graphic novels produced in common are inserted in NOVELS chapter ; please yout to find all the other results of these mobilities clicking on the TRAVELS tab.
a two years long strategic partnership funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU